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Epilepsy Specialist

Arizona Neurology Care -  - Neurology

Arizona Neurology Care

Neurology & Epilepsy Specialist located in Chandler, AZ & Queen Creek, AZ

If you’re one of the 3.4 million Americans living with epilepsy, it’s important to meet with a neurologist regularly. Frequent appointments can ease uncomfortable symptoms and improve your quality of life. At Arizona Neurology Care in Chandler, Arizona, epileptologist Hussam Seif-Eddeine, MD, and the team specialize in effective epilepsy treatments. Dr. Seif-Eddeine trained at Barrow Neurological Institute and has years of experience in this area. To schedule an appointment, call the office and speak with a member of the team or book online today.


What is epilepsy?

Epilepsy is a common neurological disorder that triggers abnormal brain activity. This atypical brain activity can result in a variety of problems, including seizures, periods of unusual behavior, uncomfortable sensations, and loss of awareness.

Epilepsy affects people of all ages, genders, and races, but it’s especially common in children and young adults. Some people require lifelong treatment for epilepsy, while others grow out of the condition as they age.

What are the symptoms of epilepsy?

The most common symptom associated with epilepsy is seizures. Seizures affect everyone differently, but telltale signs include:

  • Temporary confusion
  • Staring into space
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Lack of awareness
  • Uncontrollable jerking of the arms or legs

If you have a seizure, you might also experience feelings of fear, anxiety, or deja vu.

What causes epilepsy?

Epilepsy can occur for a variety of reasons. Sometimes, it’s due to genetic factors that run in your family. Other times, it’s a result of head trauma, infectious diseases like meningitis, or a prenatal injury. About 50% of people with epilepsy develop the condition for no apparent reason.

How is epilepsy diagnosed?

To diagnose epilepsy, your Arizona Neurology Care provider conducts a physical exam, reviews your medical history, and asks about your symptoms. Your evaluation also includes:

Neurological exam

During a neurological exam, your provider tests your motor abilities, memory, and mental function. These tests help to determine the underlying condition and type of epilepsy you have. 

Blood tests

If your provider suspects your seizures are due to an underlying medical condition, they might also order blood tests. Blood tests can screen for genetic conditions and infections.

If these measures don’t provide enough information, the team at Arizona Neurology Care might recommend an electroencephalogram (EEG). During an EEG, a group of electrodes monitors your brain’s electrical activity. When you have a seizure, your brain waves change in shape and size. An EEG can detect these changes and assist in your treatment.

How is epilepsy treated?

At Arizona Neurology Care, the team usually treats epilepsy using prescription medications. The type of medication that will most benefit you depends on your medical history, the type of seizures you have, and their severity.

If your symptoms persist or get worse, even after you start taking medication, surgical intervention or another type of treatment may be necessary.

To learn more about your treatment options for epilepsy, schedule an appointment at Arizona Neurology Care. Call the office and speak with a member of the team or book online today.