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Migraines & Headaches Specialist

Arizona Neurology Care -  - Neurology

Arizona Neurology Care

Neurology & Epilepsy Specialist located in Chandler, AZ & Queen Creek, AZ

About one in four Americans regularly experience migraine headaches. When left untreated, migraines can negatively affect your ability to work or participate in activities you love. At Arizona Neurology Care in Chandler, Arizona, expert neurologist Hussam Seif-Eddeine, MD, and the team diagnose and treat headaches of all types, including migraines, tension headaches, cluster headaches, and more. To schedule an appointment, call the office and speak with a friendly staff member or book online today.

Migraines & Headaches

What is a migraine?

A migraine is much more than your typical run of the mill headache. It’s a neurological disorder characterized by a throbbing pain or pulsing sensation that affects one side of the head. The symptoms of a migraine can last for hours or days, negatively affecting your energy levels and quality of life.

There’s no cure for migraines, but they’re possible to manage with prescription medications, healthy lifestyle changes, and avoidance of certain triggers.

What are the symptoms of a migraine?

Migraines affect everyone differently, but some telltale signs include:

  • Constipation
  • Mood changes
  • Frequent yawning
  • Increased thirst and urination
  • Weakness or numbness in the face
  • Vision loss
  • Sensitivity to lights and sounds
  • Nausea
  • Throbbing or pulsing pain
  • Vomiting

Following a migraine attack, it’s normal to feel drained or washed out. This can keep you from work, spending time with family, or other routine activities.

Are there other types of headaches?

Migraines are one of the most common types of headaches, but the team at Arizona Neurology Care treats others as well.

Tension headaches

A tension headache occurs due to stress. It causes a dull, aching sensation all over your head, as well as feelings of tenderness and sensitivity around your neck and forehead. Tension headaches are easy to treat and usually respond to rest, ice, or over-the-counter pain medication.

Cluster headaches

Cluster headaches trigger severe or piercing pain. They usually occur around or behind an eye or on one side of the face. Cluster headaches occur in a series; some headaches last for 15-20 minutes, others last for hours at a time. Once one headache resolves, another follows shortly thereafter.

Allergy and sinus headaches

Eating certain foods or coming into contact with environmental factors, like pet dander or pollen can trigger an allergy or sinus headache. These headaches usually affect the nose, forehead, and sinuses. Sometimes, sinus headaches point to a more serious underlying problem like a sinus infection.

How are headaches diagnosed?

To diagnose a headache, your Arizona Neurology Care provider conducts a physical and neurological exam, reviews your medical history, and asks about the symptoms you’re experiencing. 

If your headaches are unusual or complex, your provider might also order an MRI or CT scan to look for signs of brain bleeding, infection, or a tumor.

How are headaches treated?

Treatment of migraines and other headaches depends on the severity of your symptoms and their effect on your quality of life. The team at Arizona Neurology Care usually recommends a combination of healthy lifestyle changes and prescription medications.

If you experience headaches after working out or other types of physical activity, you might benefit from increased hydration. If you regularly experience migraines, your provider might recommend taking triptans. These prescription drugs block nerve pathways to your brain, providing relief.

To explore the various treatment options for migraines and other headaches, schedule an appointment at Arizona Neurology Care. Call the office and speak with a staff member or book online today.