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Meet Dr. Seif-Eddeine


About Dr. Seif-Eddeine

Hussam Seif-Eddeine, MD, is a board-certified neurologist who leads Arizona Neurology Care in Chandler, Arizona. Dr. Seif-Eddeine pursued his residency in neurology at Loyola University in Chicago, IL. He went to complete a fellowship in clinical Neurophysiology and Epilepsy at Barrow’s Neurological Institute here in Phoenix. He is board-certified in Neurology, Clinical Neurophysiology, and Epilepsy.  

With nearly twenty years of experience as both a clinical assistant professor of neurology with the University of Arizona and clinical practitioner, Dr. Seif-Eddeine emphasizes a research-based approach to patient care that prioritizes communication with a focus on conservative treatment options.

With a desire to stay current in his field and offer the best care to his patients, Dr. Seif-Eddeine maintains active membership in several professional academic organizations. He is affiliated with the American Clinical Neurophysiology Society, the American Epilepsy Society, the American Academy of Neurology, and the American Medical Association.

Dr. Seif-Eddeine is currently accepting new patients at his practice. If you or a member of your family require exceptional neurology care, call the Arizona Neurology Care office to set up an appointment with Dr. Seif-Eddeine. You can also book online.

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